National PBS exists to inspire purpose and empowerment for individuals within their community.
Our team of AHPRA-Registered Psychologists, Provisional Psychologists and Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners use a holistic, evidence-based approach to understand Behaviours of Concern and their underlying causes. Our psychology services are conducted Australia wide through Tele-Health and provide Face to Face supports to all of Melbourne and Regional Victoria. We provide the Behaviour Support map that builds the bridge to an improved quality of life for participants, family and supports.
Our Services
Psychology Service
We service all of Australia via Tele-health and also provide Face to Face services within Victoria. Our psychologists provide quality interventions to benefit NDIS participants.
Positive Behaviour Support
We service Melbourne and Regional Victoria. Our practitioners provide quality Behaviour Support to NDIS participants.
Why Choose National PBS
We work with all relevant stakeholders for every participant to gain a holistic understanding of their situation and what causes their behaviours of concern.
All of our Behaviour Support Specialists are either provisional or registered Psychologists following the National PBS process.
We are working hard to reduce the average wait time per participant. Everyone needs help as quickly as possible, and we strive to make that happen.
We have streamlined many of our admin processes to ensure that our specialists spend more time delivering high quality Positive Behaviour Support.
We are working hard to reduce our wait times, as we understand that it is a stressful time and every participant needs support. For current wait times, please contact us here.
National PBS was founded in 2019. We have been providing PBS for 5 years.
We are currently providing services in Victoria and New South Wales, with plans to expand into more states throughout the year. If you are outside VIC or NSW, please contact us for updates on our service locations.
Check out our full FAQ page here
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